
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Mix tapes and Pudding

                So I don’t know about you but I had a pretty interesting yet normal day today.   I woke up at 8:30 to an empty house as one does when all the adults have jobs and the other kids are at our dads.  I cleaned the kitchen so my mom would be surprised when she got home.  After I finished cleaning I made myself hot cocoa and Hershey’s pudding (all for myself of course).  Then I watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s for about the billionth time.  After that I watched every science video on YouTube I could find (because I’m a science nerd naturally).  When my sweet mother arrived home she gave me praises for cleaning the kitchen without being told to.  About an hour after she arrived home I started making a mix tape.  I know what you’re thinking “A mix tape?  What year is it again?  1989?”  For everyone’s information I am the proud owner of two cassette players.   And my mix tape which is now finished has songs from every era since the 1960’s.  And yes I am that girl that thinks she was born in the wrong generation. 

I am completely convinced that every good song has already been written.  I only ever hear repeats of the same beats and lyrics now a days that it’s almost pathetic.  There is no originality left for the future because it was all used up in the past.  But that’s just my two cents. *Wink*
With Much
Lil Red