
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Best Qualities

I like when he remembers things.  Little things.  Things I didn't realize he even heard or paid attention to.  He’ll mention things like my family or friends that I talked about nearly a month ago.  He’ll say things like “Don’t you Hate nuts?”, “You want to be a bio teacher right?” or something along the lines of “You wouldn't do that, that’s against your views.”  He pretends he doesn't listen.  He makes it a point to say he doesn't listen.  But I know he does.  His favorite thing to do is write my name like “Hannah.” When he knows I hate it.  He says “I forgot” but I say “No you just like when I get angry and you do it on purpose.”  He just smiles.  I would kill to keep that smile on his face forever.  Not his time to take a picture smile, Time to fake it smile, but his I am generally happy smile.  That smile touches my heart in a certain type of way.  He’s so funny too really he is without even knowing it.  He makes funny faces at things and climbs on things.  At times he acts like a child and I like that about him as well because he’s just so oblivious to the world that he doesn't care.  A part of me wants to take care of that innocence he has.  Listening though that is what I love most about him.  He talks I listen.  I talk He pretends not to listen.  It’s a balance.  It’s beautiful. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015


I can feel him looking at me.  I see him out of my pareferal.  My movements slow so I can perfect them.  This is how we communicate.  Subtle glances and faint smiles.  We are sarcastic soulmates I think to myself.  It all means something.  Something means everything.  An hour ago I asked him if I was mean as I gave him a Hershey kiss.  He smiled and said ''yes'' I smiled back knowing what I know.  Taking in his dry and awkward compliment.  This is how we communicate.  We talk through our eyes and insults.  Neither fully penetrating nor causing harm.  He looks at me again, I look back he looks away.  He is not beautiful yet he has grown beautiful in my eyes.  His wit and charm match mine like a glove.  I smile while writing this because for a third time he has begun to stare.  Yet melencoly quickly overtakes me at the same pace the truth does.  This is how we communicate and this is all it will ever be.