
Friday, February 6, 2015

Phobias and Fears

Pho·bi·a; noun; an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.  Have you ever asked someone what their greatest fear is?  What they are scared of the most?  Well today I’m coming clean.  I have a multitude of irrational fears.  But today I would like to touch on only two.  I would also like to say that these are not meant to offend anyone.  I am not against any views that you have this is just about something’s that physiologically psyche me out. 

The first is the dark.  I've been afraid of the dark since before I can remember.  What’s funny though is that as I grew older I realized it’s not the dark I’m afraid of,  it’s what’s in the dark that scares me.  The unknown creatures and demons that lurk in those shadows and dark hallways.  We kid ourselves when we say that it’s nothing but our imaginations.  In the dark we are nothing but vulnerable.  Completely open.  Unaware of movement around us.  Unaware of eyes staring at us.  It’s truly terrifying how much we depend on sight.  We are so strong but you take away one of our five senses and we are rendered powerless.  So that my dear friends is why I am 17 years old and still afraid of the dark.

My other fear is more of a Phobia.  It’s also very strange and not intended to offend anyone.  I am completely terrified of Drag Queens.  Yes, I know I can hear you all gasping and asking why or thinking I just hate people who are different.  Get that thought out of your head right now, because I love everyone for the most part.  Actually I think I just hate everyone equally.  Well anyway what scares me about drag queens is the thick make up and the wigs and I am literally having an anxiety attack as I write this.  I saw this thing on TV where this old man dressed up like an old woman to kill girls.  Freaked me out something fierce.  I also used to work the night shift at McDonald's and we would get waves of Asheville’s night life which included drag queens. For some reason I freak out.  I can’t take it emotionally.  Don’t ask me why because I can’t give you a good enough explanation.  Sorry but that’s just how it is.

Being afraid of something isn't bad.  It’s not a weakness either.  It’s healthy to know your limits and to know what you can and cannot do.   Embrace your fears and face them if you’re that kind of person.
  (I’m not mostly because I’m a wimp.) (Sorry.) (Not sorry.)

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