
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Morning routine

Here's how my mornings go.

I wake up around 5am every morning.  I do my hair, make-up and pick out my outfit.  You know the usual stuff that takes me an hour or so.

A normal amount of time don't you think?

Well here's how McKenna's morning goes.

She wakes up 5 - 15 minutes before we leave. She does her make-up and hair and picks out her outfit in that time.  She looks amazing every day without fail!  I don't get it!  It's just... I look like a homeless person and I try.  she looks like a fairy and doesn't try.

Where is the justice in that?

I guess it's one of those great mysteries in life that no one will ever solve... like bigfoot.

Well, I hope you have a great morning and if you have to deal with one of those "looks great gives zero effort" kinda people, I'm sorry.

With much love,
Lil Red

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha!!!!! Hilarious! Both of you are gorgeous no matter what. :) I'm the type that wakes up right before I need to leave and slap myself together and go with it no matter how it turns out cause I don't want to be late. :)


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