
Friday, May 31, 2013

Practice what you Preach

So recently there was a rumor going around that my friend (who we will call Alice) made fun of someone for cutting themselves.  So multiple girls texted “Alice” and called her just to verbally abuse her.  

So let’s think about this for a moment.  Most people cut because they're bullied.  So you’re going to do what other people do to you?  Yeah, that makes no sense.  By doing that no one is ever going to have sympathy for you. 

Also by bullying someone else you will never have true relief.  If you treat others bad then they will treat someone else bad and it can go on forever. 

Sometimes I think we all forget we're human.  We forget we have flaws.  We forget we make mistakes.  We expect perfection when we are nowhere close to perfection ourselves.

I have flaws.
I make mistakes.
I am human. 

Practice what you preach.

With much love,
Lil Red

Monday, May 27, 2013

Not so sorry

So recently i got into an argument with two of my close friends for tweeting something that was not directed towards them but was generally about them and this tweet read:

 "I hate two faced people like I guess you don't have your own opinion that's cool okay"

We are currently not friends anymore.  But that's okay you wanna know why?  Because I'm done saying sorry for stating the truth.  I'm done going with the flow and doing whats cool and not whats me.  I'm done with the petty lies and girly drama.  

I'm sorry if I say something that offended you and I will apologize for that but I will not apologize for my opinion.  I will not apologize for being me.  I am who I am and if you don't like it then please exit my life.  

Well just wanted to rant a bit today before I have to go to school tomorrow.

With much love,

Lil Red

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mormon Probs...

So going to a public high school where there are only 6 Mormons I often run into many questions about Mormons.

Here are some of the many questions I get asked… and some of the many responses that float in my head.

Q:  I thought all Mormons have beards.
A:  We don’t get them until our 18th Birthday.

Q:  How many moms do you have?
A:  I only have 12.

Q:  Don’t you do black magic?
A:  yes, do you want to see your future?

Q:  What are Missionaries?
A:  They’re kind of like Astronauts.

Q:  Don’t you worship the devil?
A:  We prefer to call him Satan.

Q:  Wait, so Thomas S. Monson and Joseph Smith aren’t the same person?
A:  Yes, they are.  He is immortal.

Well, those are some of the serious questions I’ve been asked before; not the responses I gave but you know...
Hope you had fun with that!

With much love,
Lil Red

For 'real' information about Mormons click the "I'm a Mormon" button on my sidebar.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Please and Thank You

 We go through life with basically everything handed to us. I am convinced we are the most spoiled generation ever.

So today while in school, I decided to count how many people held the door for someone or said thank you or please.

At the end of the day 7 people held open the door for some one.  6 were teachers.  

15 people had the chance to open the door for someone but didn't.  5 of those who didn't were teachers.  

13 people said thank you.  All 13 were teachers.  

23 had the chance but didn't.  7 of those who didn't were teachers.  

17 people said please today.  And a whopping 12 were teachers.  

14 had the chance and didn’t.  2 were teachers.

It boggles my mind that someone can be that concerned with themselves that they don't even bother with common everyday things that you should do and say out of respect. It kills me truly that I grow up in a generation like this.  

Well if this even in the least bit touched you I'm glad.  Maybe you can just start saying please and thank you if you didn't already. 

With much love,
Lil Red

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Morning routine

Here's how my mornings go.

I wake up around 5am every morning.  I do my hair, make-up and pick out my outfit.  You know the usual stuff that takes me an hour or so.

A normal amount of time don't you think?

Well here's how McKenna's morning goes.

She wakes up 5 - 15 minutes before we leave. She does her make-up and hair and picks out her outfit in that time.  She looks amazing every day without fail!  I don't get it!  It's just... I look like a homeless person and I try.  she looks like a fairy and doesn't try.

Where is the justice in that?

I guess it's one of those great mysteries in life that no one will ever solve... like bigfoot.

Well, I hope you have a great morning and if you have to deal with one of those "looks great gives zero effort" kinda people, I'm sorry.

With much love,
Lil Red

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Just an introduction

So here it goes.  Just a little about me.  I live in North Carolina.  I have five siblings.  Bailey or Bai-Shes the oldest and in college.  Then there is McKenna or Mo-she's a junior and my personal motivator.  Well that's what she calls it I call it insulting me.  But I love her anyway.  Next is me but I'll talk about me later.  After me is Breelyn or Bree Or Busy-Shes in 8th grade shes my hero.  Then is Ethan or Bubba- He's in 6th grade and my favorite basketball star.  Then Last but not least is Logan or Lil Man or Puppy or Logie- He's in 3rd grade and is the cutest in the bunch.

Well any way I'm 15 and in ninth grade.  I have had ADHD since I was four. I am a Mormon.  I was born in San Diego, California.  My favorite color is red.  I love to climb trees and write.  When I grow up I plan on being a teacher or a writer.  I usually fade into the background but that's not always a bad thing it gives me more time to observe others.  I have many friends, some good and some not so good.

 I'm a real dreamer. I dream of Paris.  I dream of New York.  I dream of being a writer.  I dream of doing something bigger than I could ever imagine.  I don't just think about now but I also think about the future and the past.  I think about the ands, if's, or, buts.  I have a song for every mood, everyday, and every hour.  I guess you could say I'm obsessed.   Well that's just a little about me hope you enjoyed.

With Much Love,
Lil Red