
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"Americas future"

Let's punish the flock because of one bird because that's how the school system works now.  We have lost our individuality and become a group a label a number. You're either smart or average or stupid and there is no in between.  Kids get lost underneath these superficial labels that we have been taught to accept since birth.  No child left behind is a scam.  It's an excuse to pass the kid down so it's "not your problem" anymore.  And it works until one day the kids a freshman and has no idea what he's doing so he continues to take the same class over and over again while the school expects a different result.  So eventually the kid gets let into the real world and is totally unprepared and can't hold down a real job because he's not "smart".   It's funny how we judge a persons intelligence by how well they can follow directions.  If they don't listen they're stupid.  If they are obedient they're smart.  Society needs to realize that we are not dogs we are human beings that have a voice and can use it. 

How about you chew that up and spit it out.  You know what the after taste tastes like?  To me it tastes like unemployed, not prepared kids who are "Americas future".  

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Let's pretend

Let's pretend for a moment that we're all adults and we make all the so called "right" decisions.  Let's pretend like we have the right to tell others what they can and cannot do.  Let's pretend that there is a scale for judging people.  Then all of your petty human decisions would be justified.  But wait none of the above is true so nothing you do is justified. But for that moment did it feel good to think that just for that moment you weren't in the wrong?  For that moment society was okay and not a complete mess.  Well guess what it's not.  There is no reason to treat others like they are below you or even above you.  You shouldn't judge anyone ever - it's not your job nor will it ever be.  You should be confident enough in your own skin that you don't care what others look like or what they do.  It's none of your business who they love or what they do or how they live their life.  At the end of the day all that matters is you.  Wake up and remember that every morning.  Just fit it into your very busy schedule and just tell yourself "my life is about me no one else but me." You'll get farther and feel better.

It's all I'm saying today,
Lil Red