
Thursday, February 5, 2015


It is funny.  As we grow older, we become less aware of our surroundings.  We think that time moves faster when really were just not paying attention to what is changing around us.  We grow accustom to the world and we stop trying to learn new things.  We stop analyzing our surroundings.  We stop wondering how things work and just accepting that they do.  “This is fact and facts cannot be dis-proven,” we tell ourselves on a daily basis when really we barely know how to tell fact from fiction.  We think we know everything and that we are all grown up now.  In actuality, we are still children.  Children who fight, play, and get into trouble.  We touch hot stoves and learn lessons.  We sometimes lie because we are afraid of punishment.  However, we continue to tell ourselves a lie that we are grown up.  We are self-reliant.  We know everything we need to know about the world and that is that.  What happened to exploring?  What happened to adventures?  Just because the world is all mapped out does not mean there are not things still yet to be seen.  We have grown fat and lazy in our carbon copy homes and our runoff the mill office jobs.  We forget what it is like to run, explore, and dream.  We forget what it is like to do these things for fun.  We forget that sometimes facts can be dis proven and sometimes we can be the one to disprove them.  It is not too late to go on an adventure.  It’s not too late to chase your dreams.  It’s never too late.  So get off your laptop and go to Switzerland or Spain or Africa just go.  You’re never too old to go on an adventure just remember that.

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