
Monday, October 7, 2013


                  You can know some one your whole life and never really know them at all.  You can know some one your whole life and watch them change right before your eyes.  You can love some one for so long then all of a sudden feel very distant.  You can dislike some one one day then the next you love them.  Humans are meant to change and grow.  Were meant to wish.  Were meant to hope for the best but expect the worse.  We trust so easy.  We are like children always trying to catch up but never really getting there.  We are as fragile as glass the slightest tear of our hearts can send us straight of the edge.  Our minds are fickle.  We will always wonder and question, never being completely sure.  We attach our selves to each other, which can make us stronger......or tear us down.  

              Sometimes we fall for that thing called love which can also make us stronger or tear us unto pieces.  We can go on forever this way.  On a cycle to our own destruction.  It's like they say  "if we don't learn from the past, the past is bound to repeat itself."  We are all risk takers in this world.  We risk our lives just walking out the door, but we do it anyway.  Why?  Because we are humans.  We believe in good.  We believe in hope.  We believe in brighter days.  We believe in tomorrows.  We believe that no matter what happens there is always a tomorrow with no mistake in it yet.  And that my friends is in its self a beautiful thing.

With Much Love,
Lil Red

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